Israel is a pretty amazing country, and I was privileged to join some of our nation’s top cybersecurity executives on a delegation to CyberWeek through CISOs Connect™, one of the best invitation-only societies for cybersecurity executives and practitioners. (Note: I am both a board member of CISOs Connect™ and a …
Security shouldn’t be the department of “No”.
It’s our job to understand what users need, and to make sure they can do their jobs with our help. But instead, cyber security teams have won the reputation of trying to block business requests rather than develop methods and technologies to facilitate them. Businesses aren’t static, and neither are …
Internal Marketing 101 For Security Teams
Marketing is not something we ordinarily associate with our jobs, but I think internal marketing is absolutely critical for technology and security teams.I’ve found that if you want people enrolled in what your group does for the business, then having the savvy to create internal solutions or branded products is …
High performing teams are…
Lots of people define a high performing team as a team that is (a) tight knit, (b) laser focused, and (c) has supportive processes that enable any member to breakthrough barriers to achieve a goal. I would say that is true for technical teams, with one notable caveat – high …
Alignment is Everything
Having had the privilege of working in several different industries I have learned the importance of alignment both of teams and in organizations. The alignment of Information Technology has always been all over the place. Some companies have IT aligned to Finance, others to Operations, odder still some align IT …